Friday, June 3, 2011

Can You Mystery Shop Your Way to Overnight Success?

In the perfect world, we could snap our fingers and get whatever we want when we want it. But here in reality, we have to work and wait for those things we want to happen.  It is a philosophy to live by in life and in business — it takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears to obtain and maintain success. Unfortunately, some businesses seem to think that  a mystery shopping company has the ability to bypass the hard work and launch a company in jeopardy to success overnight.
A mystery shopping service can help a company turn itself around, but the process takes time. The assessments completed can help identify procedures that could be improved to deliver a better customer experience. A program like this looks at the big picture as well as all of the minor details that they encounter along the way. When the mystery shopping service has worked their magic,* the store, the staff, the management and the atmosphere all have a positive impact upon every customer that walks through the doors.
Of course, this takes time so the mystery shopping service can gather all of the required data, advise the business on the changes they could make, and then complete additional review. Those that expect that hiring a mystery shopping service to dig them out of a hole fast, are never going to get what they expect.
All good things are worth waiting for, and the mystery shopping route is a journey, so this applies.
*When we say magic, we really mean a time-tested formula based on objective data and experience.

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